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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Sponge Cake" (كيكة إسفنجية)

A very easy recipe for a very yummy dessert.

Ingredients needed:
5 eggs.
1 tsp pure vanilla extract.
1 filled cup of powdered sugar.
2 filled cups flour.

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Beat the eggs with vanilla on high speed.
  3. Add sugar and beat again.
  4. Lastly add flour then beat again, until all mixed well.
  5. Brush the nonstick baking dish with ghee on the bottom and on the sides.
  6. Pour in the mixture and put in oven for about 20 minutes until fully baked!
  7. Remove from oven then quickly from the dish on the serving plate and sprinkle some powdered sugar on the top.


You can use the sponge cake in preparing a variety of desserts.
Use whipped cream as a middle layer in the cake.
Or add about 4 tbsp cocoa to the mixture before baking to get it in a chocolate flavor!
Decorate even with fruits or frosting!

Use your imagination, and have fun...enjoy!

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