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Friday, October 8, 2010

"Grilled Chicken" (فراخ مشوية)

Grilled Chicken made in a middle eastern style, gives it a special taste!
The secret here is the "Thyme" (زعتر).
It's better always to use natural onion and garlic, than the ready powder seasoning!

Ingredients needed:

1 Cornish hen (little chicken).
1 medium minced onion.
2 small garlic cloves, minced.
1 lemon.
Salt & Pepper.
3/4 tsp Thyme.

  1. Rub chicken with flour inside and outside, then rinse. Rub it again with salt inside and outside then rinse. Always wash chicken with cold water!
  2. Mince 1 onion, 2 small garlic cloves, squeeze 1 lemon, add salt, pepper and 3/4 tsp thyme and mix all.
  3. Season chicken with that mix from inside and outside.
  4. Leave it in seasoning for not less than 2 hours. The more you leave it in the seasoning, the more it gives a better taste at the end. Most of the time, I leave it for a whole night.
  5. Before you start grilling, you must make deep narrow cuts, close to the bones with a knife. This will make the meat cook faster.

Next to the Grilled Chicken, we can grill some vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes, and mushrooms.
A green salad would also be nice. Rice or mashed potatoes would complete the course!

Enjoy your meal.

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